Inspiring people to love the moors
We’re raising awareness of why the moors are valuable and encouraging responsible use and care of the landscape.
How we engage with the public
We organise and attend events with our Bogtastic Van, encourage citizen science and volunteering, and communicate with people via the media.
Blanket bog moorlands are a wonderful resource that provide an array of hidden benefits, and our job is to help people understand why protecting them is important.
We communicate with people in the area surrounding the Peak District and South Pennines and raise the profile of the moors and their value, as well as what we’re doing to protect them, to a national and international audience.
Our beautiful moors are wonderful, essential places and we want everyone to be inspired by this vitally important landscape; love it, understand it, value it and get involved in it.

Bogtastic Van
The first ever 'moor in a van' – the Bogtastic mobile exhibition vehicle – travels to city and town centres across the Peak District and South Pennines welcoming visitors to experience the sights, sounds and even the smells of our iconic uplands.
The van is full of interesting and exciting games, videos and interactive experiences to educate and inspire everyone about the mysterious world of blanket bogs; where bizarre plants live alongside magical animals. It’s a great way to get a hands-on understanding of the landscape on your doorstep!
Find out more about the Bogtastic Van here or look for a Bogtastic event near you

Our dedicated volunteers are an essential part of our team, helping us in many aspects of our work with their generous contributions of time.
Find out more about volunteering opportunities here

Citizen science
We aim to find out about the long-term prospects of this globally important landscape by asking people to record information about moorland plants and animals while they’re out and about.
Encouraging people to get involved with citizen science develops relationships and understanding amongst local communities of the rich natural heritage of the moors, as well as collecting long-term evidence.
We ask people to record their sightings of upland species like the mountain hare, curlew, green hairstreak butterfly and the bilberry bumblebee, or collect data about environmental factors like the water table. By collecting this kind of information over the long term we can get a really good understanding of what is happening on the moors. The biological information you collect will be fed into a national database, meaning that the way the moorland ecosystem is coping with climate change over the long term can be seen.
Find out more about our Citizen Science Project here