Roaches wildfire 2018 carbon report (longer read)

Author: Moors for the Future Partnership, Paul Titterton

Publication Date: November 2019

Summary: A report into the estimated amount of carbon released as a result of the wildfire that occurred on the Roaches in August 2018.


The wildfire that occurred on The Roaches in the Peak District, in August 2018 caused approximately 61 hectares of damThe wildfire that occurred on The Roaches in the Peak District, in August 2018 caused approximately 61 hectares of damage to blanket bog moors. About 5cm depth of peat was burned. Wildfires impact on a wide variety of ecosystem services including biodiversity, natural flood management, water quality and carbon storage. Emissions from wildfires contribute to climate change.This study estimates that 3,422 tonnes of carbon was released as a result of the wildfire.

File Type:

Project: moorLIFE2020

Keywords: Wildfire; Wild fire; Roaches; Carbon Audit; Climate change; Emissions; Fire; MoorLIFE 2020

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