Final wildfire perception and incidents survey report | MoorLIFE 2020 |2021

Author: Moors for the Future Partnership, Paul Titterton

Publication Date: October 2021

Summary: Establishing expert opinion on the perceived change in risk and severity of wildfire, prior to and after conservation work has been completed


This report analyses pre- and post-intervention questionnaires sent out to experts to assess perception of wildfire risk and effects of moorland restoration techniques. The post intervention survey indicates that gully blocking and bunding are the techniques thought to have the greatest impact on reducing wildfire risk and severity.

File Type:

Project: moorLIFE2020

Keywords: Wildfire | Fire; Conservation techniques; Restoration; Reserarch; Report

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Final wildfire perception and incidents survey report | MoorLIFE 2020 |2021 ( 4.4 MB)